411 System a New Approach of Microlayering

2023 05 12 | Penktadienis 12:00 val.


  • manegment the zirconia interface -microlayering with powders -microlayering with nanoceramic -individual mechanical polishing -the logic behind digital workflow


  • High Translucence Multilayered Zirconia features sophisticate aesthetic as well as outstanding mechanical properties which have positively influenced the lab-based digital workflow and given winning answers to the ever higher clinical morphological/functional requests. Hence, the possibility to point out a “distinctive” technical approach to each project while combining competent lab-based communication skills and the wide range of chromatic adaptability of ML zirconia. This is necessary in case of extensive, individual full-contour zirconia posterior solutions with the new FC paste stains liquid ceramics.In order to achieve an ideal final result, it is paramount to have logical selection criteria of new Zirconia and to adopt a specific manual finishing technique pre and post sintering. A precise and well-determined sintering process aimed atthe aesthetic and mechanical potential of Multilayered Zirconia is also recommended.


  • 1-micro cut-back YML zirconia :a single anterior restoration by microlayering technique, ILS and Luster porcelain
  • 2-zero-cut-back YML zirconia: a full contour bridge15-pontic,14-16-pillar by microlayering technique with FC paste stain

We will learn:

  • to select the Zirconia multilayered
  • to manage and the interface
  • to project the colour
  • to refinish and prepare the zero cut-back elements
  • microlayering with powder and Luster
  • micro layering with FC Paste stains nanoceramic
  • mechanical finishing and polishing
Dr. Newton Fahl

University of Milan, Italy
Department of Prosthodontics, Dental Clinic, School of Dentistry
Via Beldiletto 1/3 20142 Milano – Italy

  • 2001: Doctor in Dentistry: vote 110/110.
  • From 2001: Teacher and Tutor Department of Implatology, Head Professor E. Romeo,
  • St.Paul Hospital, Dental Clinic, University of Milan, Italy.
  • From 2003 Scientific Reviewer for Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc. (Chicago, IL).
  • 2004: Post-graduated on “Advanced oral surgery and maxillary reconstructive technics” at University of Paris – Paris VII.
  • 2004: Master in “Innovation technics in oral implantology and prosthetic rehabilitation“ at University of Milan, Italy.
  • From 2006: Teacher and Tutor at Post-graduate Implant Dentistry and Prosthetic Rehabilitation Course, St.Paul Hospital, Dental Clinic, University of Milan, Italy.
  • 2008: Phd on Implant Dentistry and Prosthetic Rehabilitation at University of Milan, Italy.
  • From 2009: Teacher and Tutor at Post-graduate Implant Dentistry and Prosthetic Rehabilitation Course, Dental Clinic, University of Padova, Italy.
  • 2011: Winner of the IIS International Prize for the Best Clinical Research of the 2011.


  • Zirconia Classification Optical Properties Of The Natural Tooth
  • Color Project And Material Selection For 3D Ultra-Micro Layering - Color Assessment And Spectrophotometric Control
  • Standard And Individual Coloring
  • Clinical Strategies And Needs
  • Zirconia Selection Criteria
  • Layering And Microlayering On New Generation Zirconia
  • Digital Work-Flow
  • New Lab Procedures


  • Ils Technique On Zirconia Yml Micro Cutback
  • Microlayering Zirconia Yml A Luster
  • Finishing And Correction First Single Crown
  • Ils Technique For Microcutback Solution -Microlayering Second Single Crown Microcutback - Texuture And Mechanical Polishing
  • 3D Microlayering With Fc Paste Stain
  • Mechanical Polishing Of Zirconia Surfaces.
  • Final Revision

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Violeta Vitė | +370 603 78930 | info@lood.lt

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