During its lifetime, LSOOD has organised over several hundred development events on a variety of topics relevant to the dental profession. Even today, we can still be glad that because of the Society, Prof. Dr. med. dent. of Ernst-Moritz-Arndt from University of Greiswald visited Lithuania and shared his invaluable professional experience. Georg Meyer (Germany), Prof. Gilbert Viguie (France), Assoc. Prof. Zdenek Strnad, MSc, PhD Executive officere (Czech Republic), Igor Riedl, MSc, PhD (Czech Republic), H. Loranz (Germany), Dr. Med. Dent. Jan Erik Schulz-Walz, Hamburg-Bahrenfeld (Germany), and many others, who have made us look at dentistry as a science from a different angle and never stop admiring it.
We can be proud that our predecessors made a significant contribution to the establishment of the Lithuanian Chamber of Dentists, and on their initiative we managed to expand the scope of competence of the BPG, to introduce a medical service contract between the dentist and the patient and the dental technician, to approve the standards of the materials and methods used in orthopaedic dentistry in Lithuania, to establish a clear plan for and conditions for obtaining the necessary training at the Society’s training events and, for members, on preferential terms, and to enable Lithuanian seniors and persons under the age of 18 to obtain the minimum necessary dental prostheses at public expense.
It is gratifying that LSOOD and a magazine ‘Stomatologija’ have continued their tradition of goodwill cooperation and mutual support from the very beginning until now, thus expanding the professional horizons of every dental practitioner and developing new dental scientists.
The LSOOD has always been open to progressive ideas and initiatives and suggestions, organising thematic seminars, sharing interdisciplinary knowledge not only with periodontists, paediatric dentists and other dental and medical professionals, but also with representatives of the social sciences, the arts and the technical sciences here in Lithuania, and also seeking friendly contacts with colleagues abroad.
The vision of LSOOD has always been focused on interdisciplinary problem solving in the field of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of diseases, creating a fast connection between colleagues, ensuring the safety of dentists and the satisfaction of patients’ needs, addressing the issues of the legal liability of dental technicians in Lithuania, and the sharing of experience, knowledge, and development in a global sense.
Thus, since 2009, the OOSK has organised an annual scientific and practical conference on prosthodontics and related topics at the end of spring each year. In addition to the above objectives, the aim was to involve as many colleagues as possible in the presentation of scientific papers: practising dentists were invited to give lectures, and a large number of students and residents were attracted to present their scientific work as poster presentations. Since its first year, OOSK has attracted a large number of colleagues interested in prosthodontics. Some of the world’s most renowned speakers have been invited to OOSK conferences: Prof. J.P. Okeson (University of Kentucky, USA), P. Malo (Malo Clinic, Portugal), Prof. R. Mericske-Stern (University of Bern, Switzerland) and others.
Conferences organised by the OOSK on various topics: dental implants, temporomandibular disorders, aesthetic dentistry, digital technologies in dentistry, etc. As the OOSK organisation grew, so did the need to expand. After the 2013 OOSK conference, this need was discussed between the representatives of VU and LSMU: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vygandas Rutkūnas and Prof. Dr. Alvydas Gleiznis. With the agreement of the team, it was decided to reorganise the “Lithuanian Society of Dental Orthopaedists and Orthodontists” into the ‘Lithuanian Society of Prosthodontics’ (LOOD), which would together take over the functions and experience of the previously existing OOSK.
The aim was to involve as many colleagues as possible in the presentation of scientific papers: dental practitioners were invited to give lectures, a large number of students and residents were attracted to present their scientific work as poster presentations
Thus, the first conference and constituent assembly of the renewed LOOD was held on 17 May 2014. For the implementation of this idea, for the priority of professional ambitions and for human sincerity, we have to thank: doc V. Rutkūnas, doc. V. Rutkūnas, Assoc. G. Pileičikienė, Assoc. T. Linkevičius, R. Pletkus, A. Baltrušaityte, Assoc. G. Žekonis, K. Sveikatai, R. Savickas, A. Auškalniui, J. Maminskis. The aim of LOOD is to unite the leading dentists and dental specialists from Kaunas and Vilnius Universities and private practice for joint work.
The conference elected the LOOD Council, which consists of former leaders and members of both LSOOD and OOSK (A. Gleiznys, V. Rutkūnas, G. Pileičikienė, G. Žekonis, T. Linkevičius, R. Trumpaitė-Vanagienė), as well as the young doctors who have joined its ranks, delighting with their innovative ideas, creativity and ideas (A. Auškalnis, J. Maminskas, J. Vėbrienė, K. Sveikata, I. Gasiūnienė). Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gaivilė Pileičikienė was elected as the Chairperson of the LOOD, Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Rutkūnas was elected as the Deputy Chairperson.
Today LOOD is a dynamic and functional organization that brings together orthopaedic dentists working in both Lithuanian universities that train dentists and orthopaedic dentists, initiates changes in pre-graduate and post-graduate orthopaedic dentistry studies, represents orthopaedic dentists’ interests in the Dental Chambers of the Republic of Lithuania, in international organizations, and of course invites every dentist in Lithuania interested in prosthodontic dentistry to become a member of the organization. The LOOD website (www.lood.lt) provides up-to-date information on the organization’s activities, as well as scientific and practice news.
The renewed Lithuanian Society of Prosthodontics would like to thank all former LSOOD, OOSK and new LOOD members and colleagues for the joy of cooperation, trust, constructive thoughts, criticism and support.